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David Hornstein
Dover House: Design Through Construction
Doug is producing a video series providing and in-depth look at the design and construction. See the trailer here.

David Hornstein
Weston Project Taking Shape
We're doing this project in two phases, building a guest wing that the client will move into, then tearing down and rebuilding the main...

David Hornstein
Choosing a Contractor
I’m often asked by clients if can recommend a suitable contractor for their project. I want to touch on a few of the considerations that...

Is Prefab Right for You?
In the past, Prefab Houses (a house built in a factory and delivered to the site) have been synonomous with cheap and unimaginative...

Construction Contracts Explained
The terms “estimate”, “bid “, and “contract” are sometimes confused, but have important differences. An estimate is an educated guess...

What drives the cost of a project?
I’m often asked how much a certain type of project will cost, to which I reply “how much does a car cost?” The point being that the...

LED Lighting
LED’s have been around for a while now, first as the displays in electronic devices and now in lighting. They use a fraction of the...
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